Getting to know Storify and Thinglink

Hi, dear readers,

Today I’m discovering Storify. If you already know what that is, you can skip the next lines. If not this is a great place to make your own stories using media outlets like Facebook, Twitter, etc. to help you gather information. Check out my first try. It can be so much fun:

Thinglink works kind of the same way, but more entertaining maybe. You get a photo of your own choosing and just by a few clicks you can add more meaning to it. Here is my example:

One bag fits the whole universe

Hello my dear readers!

How have you been? This week I interviewed someone vary special for me, because she is always there to help me and every AUBG-er. She is one of my favorite librarians in Panitza Library- Maria Pencheva.


Whenever you stop to talk to her you’ll see how cheerful and positive she is and you can see her personality projected from her bag, which is in the form of a radio. If the saying that the woman’s bag is like her heart is true. We’ve found a diamond. She is a busy person, but she still finds time for herself juggling between her job, her 3-years old daughter, husband and friends.

Looking inside her bag, you can get why women need their big bags. If you can take it with you why not? The most interesting items from this bag were saying how she is nature friendly. There is a bag inside her bag, which is for shopping at the groceries. If you don’t want to make additional garbage, bringing your own bag would help. She even has a “green” pen- made from recycled materials.

Maria is not only taking care of nature, but also of herself. She doesn’t miss a day at the gum. This is pretty impressive and disciplinary. If you are a working person, have a family, those are no excuse to forget about yourself. As the saying goes you cannot love someone, if you don’t love yourself first. When you are on the run, you can get some tips of this bag. You definitely want to have a stick and a perfume.

“My days are usually very hectic. I get up at 7:30, I get my daughter to the kinder garden, then I go to the gym- every morning before work.”

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Maria is an example that if you want to do something you can do it. I hope you are going to get inspired from her. Go green! Think about yourself, follow me on Twitter and Facebook! Here is a fun storify to check out- .


See you next week!

The event organizer bag

Hello, my dear,

How was your week? I have a very interesting person for this post. If you ever wanted to be involved with organizing events or you are interested in charity, I have the right person for you. Look out for some tips!

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This week’s bag is Margita Kolcheva’s. She is a junior, majoring in Economics and Mathematics, and “maybe minoring in Information Systems. She is a Resident Assistant in Skaptopara 1. What is interesting about her AUBG experience is that she is making the most of it by organizing all kinds of events.

“I tend usually to introduce myself not with my standing and what I’m majoring in, but with my hobbies, because they kind of take more of my time.”

If you check your new massages in Facebook, it is very likely that you got an invitation from her. She is the president of the PTPI “Better Community Club” at AUBG. So if you are passionate about organizing events, you may want to get a glimpse of what is inside the bag of a person, who already does that.

You can watch the video to see all of the stuff in the bag. But since we are already familiar with the basics, I propose that we move to the more interesting part. The first thing that catches my eye is small kit full with whatever you can think of- from pens to flash drive (and something more-shh). Well, if you are a good planner and you want to be one, you have to be prepared for all kinds of situations.

Then you need two more things that are of high importance for your organizing skills. First is the big book that you would use to write down detailed notes on whatever you need to organize, so that you are sure everything is in one place and right next to you, in your bag. When the inspiration and motivation strikes you, you’ll be prepared. Second, very important, is the small organizer, where you have your notes on what you want to do day by day.

To summarize, in order to be a good event organizer, you need to have a bigger view on what is happening and then you need to work towards it every single day. This was this week’s tip. Follow me on Twitter and Facebook.

See you next week!

Gaining knowledge about yourself with every piece

Hello, my dear readers,

It’s time to take a moment and look back at what we have learned so far. At the start of my journey I wanted to know whether there is some connection between what is inside your purse and who are you. Now that I have interviewed very different people and I’ve observed their personalities and what they carry around with them, I think it is safe to say there is definitely a connection. I will remind you of the main discoveries so far.

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The blog started very unusual. When I came up with the topic I never imagined getting men’s point of view, which was wrong. I’m glad that I found Krasi to interview him. Well, men don’t need that much stuff or space obviously, which helps them to be organized. There’s a tip! I know sometimes it is impossible to even think of fitting our stuff into a small bag.

This leads me to my next interviewee- Iva. When men are busy they don’t like distractions, when we are busy we need everything possible with us and we try to fit it into our bag, which automatically results into bigger size. Or the bigger the better!

The one that amazed and amused me was Gretta. The ability to organize a bag that is hers bag size is incredible and I love how the content gives away two main things in her personality: she tries to live healthy and she is organized in her daily life.

Speaking of organized, everybody can achieve it. Tedy’s bag was a perfect example of that. You just need a smaller size purse and as less stuff as possible, just the most important. This bag was called the ultimate purse.

If that is the perfect size purse, why do celebrities get those small purses for one-time use at such a price? Well, today beauty is not natural, it is expensive. Unfortunately, that is the way today society view things and celebrities just try to catch up.

After all of those observations, I want you to focus more on yourselves when you read the next posts. I’ll try to expend the circle, to find people at new places, different time of the day, women and men. I would want you to look for things (qualities) that you would like to have yourself. I know that everyone can shape his/her personality and be who they want to be. Whether you want to be more organized, efficient or artistic and ready for every situation, you can get inspiration and tips from what’s coming and bring it into your life, while shaping your character, without much of an effort.

Follow my Twitter and Facebook for new ideas. Have a great week and ponder upon who you want to be!