The event organizer bag

Hello, my dear,

How was your week? I have a very interesting person for this post. If you ever wanted to be involved with organizing events or you are interested in charity, I have the right person for you. Look out for some tips!

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This week’s bag is Margita Kolcheva’s. She is a junior, majoring in Economics and Mathematics, and “maybe minoring in Information Systems. She is a Resident Assistant in Skaptopara 1. What is interesting about her AUBG experience is that she is making the most of it by organizing all kinds of events.

“I tend usually to introduce myself not with my standing and what I’m majoring in, but with my hobbies, because they kind of take more of my time.”

If you check your new massages in Facebook, it is very likely that you got an invitation from her. She is the president of the PTPI “Better Community Club” at AUBG. So if you are passionate about organizing events, you may want to get a glimpse of what is inside the bag of a person, who already does that.

You can watch the video to see all of the stuff in the bag. But since we are already familiar with the basics, I propose that we move to the more interesting part. The first thing that catches my eye is small kit full with whatever you can think of- from pens to flash drive (and something more-shh). Well, if you are a good planner and you want to be one, you have to be prepared for all kinds of situations.

Then you need two more things that are of high importance for your organizing skills. First is the big book that you would use to write down detailed notes on whatever you need to organize, so that you are sure everything is in one place and right next to you, in your bag. When the inspiration and motivation strikes you, you’ll be prepared. Second, very important, is the small organizer, where you have your notes on what you want to do day by day.

To summarize, in order to be a good event organizer, you need to have a bigger view on what is happening and then you need to work towards it every single day. This was this week’s tip. Follow me on Twitter and Facebook.

See you next week!

5 thoughts on “The event organizer bag

  1. Anastasiia says:

    Here we live on campus and at least have time to stop by the room and take what is needed, but I remember when in big cities we need to carry even more things, just in case 😀


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