One end is another beginning

Hello everyone,

This week I will make a summary for you. As sad as it may seem that this is my last post, it is also as rewarding to be at the end of my journey. Because whenever one door closes another one opens. That’s why no end is sad, it is just the next opportunity. Speaking of, I’m glad that I had the opportunity to meet all those people that I interviewed and find out more about them, whether on or off record. Everyone has a different story to tell, we all come from different backgrounds and that is what makes the experience of getting to know someone so special. The most rewarding outcome was that while learning some more about other people, I was learning more about myself.

I started very simple, figuring out what are the basic “must have” in a purse. Then I got more interested about who the people are and what they do in their free time. I wanted to know what the connection is and it turns out that there are many reasons behind the choice we make. It is style, some go for comfort, others need more space, the inside often can reflect our life style, hobbies that we have or something weird that we like. Another fact is that you can see right away, if someone is very strict and organized or he/she is more used to being chaotic, or maybe somewhere in the middle- it may seem a chaoc for you, but the person finds their stuff easily the way it is.

Purses have always been an accessory that helps you portray your personality to strangers and make the impression you want. As much as they can tell by their appearance, more is understandable when you see the inside. Of course, we cannot randomly ask people to show what is inside their purses, but we can observe what they get out, how fast they find what they need, etc. While I was finding out more about these rationally assumable things, I also learned some useful techniques.

In the very begging I was introduced to Twitter, as funny as it may sound to you, I never used it until I made this blog, but everything has it first time. Next I learned how to edit audio with Audacity and put music on the background. The next challenge was making a five-shot video and editing it. Now I know how to work with Movie Maker! Another acquired knowledge was how to use all kinds of media platforms like Storify, Thinglink, Adobe Slate and many more.

In conclusion, I learned a lot about Media and myself, as well as a little more about the people around me. I hope you enjoyed my journey as much as I did. You can still follow me on We Heart It, if you want to find out more about me! 🙂 Keep exploring, let nothing stop you and whatever you do, don’t forget to enjoy it!

Wish you all the best,


Man’s point of view

Hello everyone,

I know I’ve been gone for a while, but today I have something special for the ladies. The whole blog is about women- our purses, our experiences and our comfort with our choices. Still if you care at least a little bit how you look like in men’s eyes, you will like today’s video. Before I share with you this intriguing information, I will tell you what he had in his bag.

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Malick Alexandre Sarr is a senior at AUBG, majoring in Computer Science and Information Systems. First, he has a notebook, pay attention- single notebook, for all of his classes. I cannot make a decision about what that proves, that men are careless or that they pay more attention to work, so they don’t even need to write things down.

As a Computer Science student, if he should carry one thing, it would be his computer. We can see that he likes his computer by the way he changed its look- all the stickers on it. He also has external charger and a flash. We can sense his fun personality by the things he owns. For example the calm he has in a form of a knife or his sunglasses.

He is also a sports person- a player in Black Jaguars (AUBG football team), the president of AUBG Dance Crew. We can see he has a certain style and he presents it even when he is at practice (the sleeve). Now the interesting part!  What does he things of women’s bags?

“A bag can reflect how a person is in general.”

Although he said that it is probably wrong to judge someone by his look without even talking to him/her. But we all know that that is what happens, so be aware of the message you want to send out there.

“You can really reflect the personality basically of a person deeper if you know how to check the content of a bag. That’s why no girls allow you to check their content of their bags.”

That was one man point of view. So be careful and keep on hiding what’s in those mysterious bags, because a girl should never tell all of her secrets. 🙂

Have a delightful day!

The ultimate bag 2.0

Hello, dear readers,

I hope you had a good weekend. I know that we, students at AUBG have to hold it together in order to survive the last few weeks. I know the last month is going to be hard- full of sleepless nights, so I have some tips for you. If you don’t want to end up forgetting something there are few items that you should keep in mind to keep in your bag. This way when you leave home, even if you had a tough night, your bag will be there for you.


This week I interviewed Plamena Matanova. She is a sophomore at AUBG, majoring in Business Administration and Journalism and Mass Communication. She is part of AUBG Talks. I think her bag is a variation of the ultimate bag, but different style-wise. Let’s take a look inside:


If you are missing one of those, my advice is- rearrange while reading! First, you will definitely need your wallet. Second, if you happen to wear glasses, whenever you take them off, put them back of the bag. If not, you don’t want to forget your sunglasses. We cannot skip the water, if being healthy is what we want.

Of course, the emergency items- napkins, perfume, notebook/diary reminder, hand cream, pen, phone and a snack. And you are ready to go!

Plamena is trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle, that’s why she has water with her and some nuts, which are good for the brain. If you really don’t have time to sit down and eat a good meal during the day, grab a healthy snack. When you get some free time, make sure to relax like Plamena is doing (check the video).

Don’t give into pressure, follow me on Facebook and Twitter. Stay healthy!

See you next week 😛